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    • 主演:Eugen  Grigoriev  Sofia  Halaimova  Vadym  Kovaliov  Aelita  Nazarenko  Petro  Pastuhov  Anastasiia  Pustovit  Maksym  Samchik  Alla  Samoilenko  Mariia  Svizhynska  Maria  Trepikova  
    • 导演:Marysia  Nikitiuk  
    • 分类: 剧情
    • 地区:其它 
    • 年份:2018 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 04:37:20
    • 简介:The story of a five year old little rebellious girl Vitka with her teenage cousin Larysa and her boyfriend, the young criminal Scar unfolds in a Ukrainian provincial setting. Larysa finds herself at a crossroads after the death of her father. Yearning to be self made, the village community ostracizes her for loving Scar. Larysa discovers her grandmother once sacrificed her love for a young gypsy abandoning him for traditional values and other people's opinions. Larysa's mother is too psychologically weak to support her daughter. Larysa and Scar plan to escape from a life of crime, misery and their relatives. But are they ready to pay the full price for freedom



    The story of a five year old little rebellious girl Vitka with her teenage cousin Larysa and her boyfriend, the young criminal Scar unfolds in a Ukrainian provincial setting. Larysa finds herself at a crossroads after the death of her father. Yearning to be self made, the village community ostracizes her for loving Scar. Larysa discovers her grandmother once sacrificed her love for a young gypsy abandoning him for traditional values and other people's opinions. Larysa's mother is too psychologically weak to support her daughter. Larysa and Scar plan to escape from a life of crime, misery and their relatives. But are they ready to pay the full price for freedom



    • 1.0 已完结 骑遇 于新博,王嘉禾,侯岩松,李峥,张磊,石梁一骁,盛路悦,刘波,杨丹娜
    • 5.0 已完结 橘色 吉塔娜·罗德里格斯,米娅·泰勒,卡伦·卡拉古利安,米奇·奥黑根,詹姆斯·兰索恩,阿拉·图马尼安,路易莎·纳斯斯岩,阿森·格里勾瑞安,伊恩·爱德华兹,克鲁·古拉格,安娜福克斯,斯科特·克林斯基,切尔西·林恩,邹时擎,乔什·苏斯曼,朱莉·卡明斯,杰森·斯图尔特,约翰·古拉格,卡佳·卡辛,克里斯·贝格齐
    • 7.0 已完结 旅客 Hasan,Darabi,Pare,Gol,Atashjameh,Mostafa,Taheri
    • 1.0 已完结 塔尔 凯特·布兰切特,诺米·梅兰特,尼娜·霍斯,马克·斯特朗,苏菲·考尔,朱利安·格洛弗,阿兰·柯德勒,亚历克·鲍德温,西尔维娅·弗洛特,西德妮·莱蒙,亚特乔姆·吉尔茨,玛丽·卢·塞勒姆,André,Röhner,Frank,Röth,约翰·冯·比罗,仙妮娅·阿森察,山姆·道格拉斯,穆拉利·佩鲁马尔,文森特·里奥特,Vivian,Full,埃德·怀特,露西·波尔,迪安娜·比伦特,迪安娜·比伦特,Marc-Martin,Straub,Kitty,Watson,Ylva,Pollak,Adam,Gopnik,Nat
    • 6.0 已完结 卧虎 曾志伟,吴镇宇,陈小春,秦海璐,余文乐,苗侨伟,张智霖,郭羡妮,黄德斌,聂远,岳华,邓健泓,那威,洪天明
    • 3.0 已完结 卢斯 娜奥米·沃茨,奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟,蒂姆·罗斯,小凯文·哈里森,诺尔贝特·里奥·布茨,玛莎·斯蒂芬妮·布莱克,亚斯特罗,克里斯托弗·曼恩,苏利芒·西尔·萨瓦内,阿曼达·特罗亚,费斯·洛根,Andrea,Bang,Omar,Brunson,Noah,Gaynor,伊恩·安特曼,亚历克斯·佩雷斯

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