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    • 主演:Erin  O'Brien  Cabrina  Collesides  Holly  Holm  梅沙·塔特  Bonnie  Bruderer  Ivy  Lashawn  Coleman  Kari  J.  Kramer  Alexandria  Williams  Cris  Cyborg  Jefferson  Sanders  Salvatore  Franciosa  Chelsea  Durkalec  Susie  Celek  Cyrus  Samson  Dre  Edmonds  
    • 导演:Rob  Hawk  
    • 分类: 动作
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2016 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 09:38:01
    • 简介:When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory's sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister's mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the police. She's quick to learn that Tory fought for money to make ends meet. If girl-next-door Windsor is going to make her way into FIGHT VALLEY to find the truth about Tory, she's going to have to fight her way in. Jabs (Miesha Tate) swore she would never throw a punch in the Valley again. Jabs now finds herself training Windsor to survive the painful, unexpected path she's about to take. Every corner. Every alley. Every doorway. She must follow the last footsteps of her sister in order to come face-to-face with Tory's killer in FIGHT VALLEY.



    When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory's sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister's mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the police. She's quick to learn that Tory fought for money to make ends meet. If girl-next-door Windsor is going to make her way into FIGHT VALLEY to find the truth about Tory, she's going to have to fight her way in. Jabs (Miesha Tate) swore she would never throw a punch in the Valley again. Jabs now finds herself training Windsor to survive the painful, unexpected path she's about to take. Every corner. Every alley. Every doorway. She must follow the last footsteps of her sister in order to come face-to-face with Tory's killer in FIGHT VALLEY.



    • 8.0 已完结 X战警 休·杰克曼,帕特里克·斯图尔特,伊恩·麦克莱恩,法米克·詹森,詹姆斯·麦斯登,哈莉·贝瑞,安娜·帕奎因,雷·帕克,丽贝卡·罗梅恩,布鲁斯·戴维森
    • 10.0 HD 黑亚当 道恩·强森,阿尔迪斯·霍吉,皮尔斯·布鲁斯南,诺亚·琴蒂内奥,莎拉·夏希,昆泰莎·斯文戴尔,马尔万·肯扎里,博德希·萨邦圭,穆罕默德·阿米尔,詹姆斯·卡萨蒂-莫耶尔,哈隆·克里斯蒂安,本杰明·帕特森,奥德娅·哈尔维,乌利·拉图基孚,詹尼佛·霍兰德,亨利·温克勒,哈伊姆·吉拉菲,杰曼·翰苏,桑娜·海恩斯,托内亚·斯图尔特,帕特里克·萨邦圭,约瑟夫·盖特,杰梅因·里弗斯,里贾纳·陈婷,卡梅隆·莫伊尔,德里克·罗素,小安杰尔·罗萨里奥,克里斯托弗·马修·库克,娜塔莉·伯恩,亨利·卡维尔,维奥拉·戴维斯,施奎塔·
    • 6.0 已完结 黑海盗 小道格拉斯·范朋克,比莉·多夫,坦普·皮戈特,唐纳德·克里斯普,萨姆·德·格拉斯,安德斯·兰道夫
    • 1.0 已完结 西安杀戮 董志华,陈继铭,徐小健,杜玉明
    • 5.0 已完结 凯利党 希斯·莱杰,奥兰多·布鲁姆,杰弗里·拉什,娜奥米·沃茨,乔尔·埃哲顿,菲利普·巴兰蒂尼,艾米莉·布朗宁,瑞切尔·格里菲斯,查尔斯‘巴德’汀格维尔,劳伦斯·金兰,Kerry,Condon,克里斯·麦奎德,Kiri,Paramore,杰夫·莫雷尔,萨基亚·伯梅斯特
    • 7.0 已完结 开拓者 卡尔·厄本,拉塞尔·敏斯,穆恩·布拉得古德,克兰西·布朗,Jay,Tavare

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