

    • 主演:西蒙妮·汉塞尔曼  勒内·大卫·伊弗拉  娜达莎·布锐妮克  鲁弗斯·贝克  
    • 导演:Marco  Serafini  
    • 分类:
    • 剧情爱情
    • 地区:其它 
    • 年份:2012 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 02:13:27
    • 简介:

      Firenze's leading, very wealthy jewelers family heir Francesco Sabrini received a cryptic death treat on the back of a renaissance painting in their private attic collection. A masterly forgery was offered in Fabio Milus's Roman auction house, but German-born art expert Susanna Noll kept it back for investigation in he artist's home city, Florence, to consult her art history mentor, professor Andreas von Weissenfels. There she stays with friend Elisabeth Lanzi, who introduces here to Francesco and his family. During their research, which unearths modern crime with a link to a Renaissance-rumored fratricide, initially secretive Francesco and Susanna become lovers


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    Firenze's leading, very wealthy jewelers family heir Francesco Sabrini received a cryptic death treat on the back of a renaissance painting in their private attic collection. A masterly forgery was offered in Fabio Milus's Roman auction house, but German-born art expert Susanna Noll kept it back for investigation in he artist's home city, Florence, to consult her art history mentor, professor Andreas von Weissenfels. There she stays with friend Elisabeth Lanzi, who introduces here to Francesco and his family. During their research, which unearths modern crime with a link to a Renaissance-rumored fratricide, initially secretive Francesco and Susanna become lovers






    • 8.0 HD 来自汪星的你 郭富城,蓝盈莹,王大陆,黄龄,戴军,毛衍七,孙越,范湉湉,肖骁,常海波
    • 4.0 HD 钢铁意志 刘烨,韩雪,林永健,张国强,李沛恩,吴军,冯国庆,赵晓明,田征,苏丽,董春辉,何杜娟,王鑫,葛晓凤,周思羽,钟秋,刘仪伟,杜旭东
    • 3.0 HD 你的一部分 费利西亚·特吕松,艾德文·瑞丁,莎拉·拉尔森,埃达·英格薇,妮基·汉斯布莱德,Alva,Bratt,Olivia,Essén,Maxwell,Cunningham,Emil,Hedayat,Mustafa,Al-Mashhadani
    • 5.0 HD 红色罪恶 玛雅·奥丝塔泽斯卡,雅各布·盖尔沙乌
    • 1.0 HD 云淡风轻 高青山,,高锦,张莲欣,白雪,张喜军,,李雪伟
    • 4.0 HD 斗转乾坤 方力申,陈奕,何花,周柏豪,,张冬,朱梓玥,房旭世,苏盛华

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