

    • 主演:Martin  Sensmeier  Mainei  Kinimaka  扎恩·迈克拉农  杰森·莫玛  艾米·西米茨  坦图·卡丁诺  Charlie  Brumbly  
    • 导演:克里斯蒂安·卡玛戈  
    • 分类:
    • 西部剧情
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2022 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 03:30:53
    • 简介:

      In 1909, amidst the dying old west, Willie Boy, a long distance Desert Runner by Chemehuevi tradition, falls in love with young native beauty, Carlota. Carlota's father, a Chemehuevi shaman and local tribal leader, refuses to let the young couple be together. In a fatal confrontation, Carlota's father falls dead to an accidental gun shot and the young lovers flee to the sun enslaved Mohave desert. The local sheriff leads a mounted posse armed with fire power and two Native American trackers seeking justice for their murdered tribal leader. Willie Boy and Carlota evade capture outlasting the men and their horses. However, fake news stories meant to sell papers adds to the mounting pressure to capture Willie Boy. In a desert that purifies all, the search for Willie Boy forces everyone to face their own demons in this tragic tale of love, death, and desert heat.


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    In 1909, amidst the dying old west, Willie Boy, a long distance Desert Runner by Chemehuevi tradition, falls in love with young native beauty, Carlota. Carlota's father, a Chemehuevi shaman and local tribal leader, refuses to let the young couple be together. In a fatal confrontation, Carlota's father falls dead to an accidental gun shot and the young lovers flee to the sun enslaved Mohave desert. The local sheriff leads a mounted posse armed with fire power and two Native American trackers seeking justice for their murdered tribal leader. Willie Boy and Carlota evade capture outlasting the men and their horses. However, fake news stories meant to sell papers adds to the mounting pressure to capture Willie Boy. In a desert that purifies all, the search for Willie Boy forces everyone to face their own demons in this tragic tale of love, death, and desert heat.






    • 1.0 已完结 四次 Giuseppe,Fuda,Bruno,Timpano,Nazareno,Timpano,Artemio,Vallone,Domenico,Cavallo,Santo,Cavallo,Peppe,Cavallo,Isidoro,Chiera,Iolanda,Manno,Cesare,Ritorito
    • 9.0 已完结 希布 贾赛里·阿尔·维塔特,侯赛因·萨拉曼·阿尔·斯维海因,哈萨·玛特鲁·阿尔·马拉耶,杰克·福克斯
    • 6.0 已完结 二哥 长门裕之,吉行和子,二谷英明,松尾嘉代,北林谷荣,小泽昭一,西村晃,殿山泰司,芦田伸介,浜村淳,穗积隆信,加原武门,贺原夏子,高木均,高原骏雄,高山千草,辻伊万里,山冈久乃,大泷秀治
    • 1.0 已完结 琥珀 井浦新,大桥彰,城下弘貴,城下弘哉
    • 6.0 已完结 阿金 杨紫琼,洪金宝,黄家诺,卢永铿,张家辉,林伟亮,刘乔方,刘松仁,郑则仕
    • 5.0 已完结 彼女 水原希子,佐藤穗奈美,新纳慎也,田中俊介,乌丸节子,南沙良,铃木杏,田中哲司,真木阳子

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