

    • 主演:Ethan  Reed  McKay  Brayden  Tucker  Colleen  Carey  
    • 导演:Don  Caron  Lyle  Hatcher  
    • 分类:
    • 剧情家庭儿童
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2013 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 03:55:25
    • 简介:

      Different Drummers is based on a true story about two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid 1960s. In this more innocent time, when body builder Jack Lalanne ruled the airwaves, the two heroes, a couple of elementary school students, make a bold attempt to triumph over mortality through friendship. Eleven year old David is slowing down and is now wheelchair-bound by muscular dystrophy, while Lyle can't stop speeding up. Back then, he was referred to as having a condition called MDB (Minimal Brain Dysfunction) but today he would be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Lyle wants more than anything to get David out of his wheelchair and running again, and he concocts a wild scheme involving a science project, some firemen, drummers, the school principal, a cop and a hand-walk across the school gymnasium, among other things. It works like this Inspired by his TV idol, Lalanne, and his message of intestinal fortitude and willpower, Lyle manages to convince David that ...


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    Different Drummers is based on a true story about two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid 1960s. In this more innocent time, when body builder Jack Lalanne ruled the airwaves, the two heroes, a couple of elementary school students, make a bold attempt to triumph over mortality through friendship. Eleven year old David is slowing down and is now wheelchair-bound by muscular dystrophy, while Lyle can't stop speeding up. Back then, he was referred to as having a condition called MDB (Minimal Brain Dysfunction) but today he would be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Lyle wants more than anything to get David out of his wheelchair and running again, and he concocts a wild scheme involving a science project, some firemen, drummers, the school principal, a cop and a hand-walk across the school gymnasium, among other things. It works like this Inspired by his TV idol, Lalanne, and his message of intestinal fortitude and willpower, Lyle manages to convince David that ...

    逆风少年演员表:Ethan  Reed  McKay  Brayden  Tucker  Colleen  Carey  






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