

    • 主演:朗尼·查维斯  Ezra  Dewey  Kristin  Bauer  van  Straten  麦卡·霍普特曼  斯科特·迈克尔·福斯特  Rich  Ceraulo  Ko  Anna  B.  Shaffer  Alfredo  Tavares  
    • 导演:大卫·夏彭尼尔  贾斯汀·鲍威尔  
    • 分类:
    • 悬疑惊悚恐怖
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2020 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 03:58:54
    • 简介:

      A night of unimaginable terror awaits twelve-year-old, Bobby, and his best friend, Kevin, when they are abducted on their way home from school.  Managing to escape his confines, Bobby navigates the dark halls, praying his presence goes unnoticed as he avoids his captor at every turn. Even worse is the arrival of another deranged stranger, whose mysterious arrangement with the kidnapper may spell certain doom for Kevin.  With no means of calling for help and miles of dark country in every direction, Bobby approaches a difficult crossroad take his chances in the fields, or find a means to free his friend. Unable to leave Kevin behind, Bobby embarks on a rescue mission, determined to get them both out alive… or die trying.


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    A night of unimaginable terror awaits twelve-year-old, Bobby, and his best friend, Kevin, when they are abducted on their way home from school.  Managing to escape his confines, Bobby navigates the dark halls, praying his presence goes unnoticed as he avoids his captor at every turn. Even worse is the arrival of another deranged stranger, whose mysterious arrangement with the kidnapper may spell certain doom for Kevin.  With no means of calling for help and miles of dark country in every direction, Bobby approaches a difficult crossroad take his chances in the fields, or find a means to free his friend. Unable to leave Kevin behind, Bobby embarks on a rescue mission, determined to get them both out alive… or die trying.

    门后的男孩演员表:朗尼·查维斯  Ezra  Dewey  Kristin  Bauer  van  Straten  麦卡·霍普特曼  斯科特·迈克尔·福斯特  Rich  Ceraulo  Ko  Anna  B.  Shaffer  Alfredo  Tavares  






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