

    • 主演:凯蒂·勒克莱齐  乔纳森·本内特  杰克·麦吉  托马斯·戴克  威廉·贝利  Shelby  Wulfert  安德莉亚·西斯托  肯特·法尔考  Brian  Tyler  Cohen  
    • 导演:Brian  Farmer  
    • 分类:
    • 惊悚恐怖
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2021 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 06:17:39
    • 简介:

      Haylee, a local EMT suffering from PTSD, spends her days making split second decisions with lives that hang in the balance. One night on a routine call, she is faced with a moral decision, taking matters into her own hands and mercy kills a young woman. Her decision opens a pandora's box that leads Haylee to blur the lines of her job responsibilities and wanting to help those in need. Now, falling deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole, she gets caught up in a world of underground drugs and a sadistic killer who's made her his next victim.


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    Haylee, a local EMT suffering from PTSD, spends her days making split second decisions with lives that hang in the balance. One night on a routine call, she is faced with a moral decision, taking matters into her own hands and mercy kills a young woman. Her decision opens a pandora's box that leads Haylee to blur the lines of her job responsibilities and wanting to help those in need. Now, falling deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole, she gets caught up in a world of underground drugs and a sadistic killer who's made her his next victim.






    • 6.0 已完结 阴羚 肖恩·宾,玛丽亚·贝罗,莫里斯·洛维斯,Richard,Elfyn
    • 10.0 已完结 粽邪 夏于乔,邹承恩,陈博正
    • 2.0 已完结 狼母 汤姆·塞兹摩尔,娜嘉拉·汤森德,玛丽·凯丽,Maria,Olsen,萨布丽娜·卡尔弗,Tomoko,Karina,Douglas,Bennett,康斯坦斯·布伦尼曼,Nancy,Degnan,Stephanie,Pearson,Amir,Rahim,李·可可,Dave,Buzzotta,Ellen,Ho,戴夫·维西奥
    • 7.0 已完结 不2022 丹尼尔·卡卢亚,柯柯·帕尔莫,布兰登·佩利亚,迈克尔·维克特,史蒂文·延,瑞安·施密特,凯斯·大卫,德文·格拉耶,泰瑞·诺塔里,芭比·费雷拉,唐娜·米尔斯,奥兹·珀金斯,埃迪·杰米森,雅各布·金,索菲娅·柯多,珍妮弗·拉弗勒,安德鲁·帕特里克·拉斯顿,阿莱克斯·海德-怀特,阿曼达·琼斯,埃文·沙夫兰
    • 7.0 已完结 巴斯金 Muharrem,Bayrak,Mehmet,Akif,Budak,Fadik,Bülbül,Derin,Cankaya,Mehmet,Cerrahoglu,Hayati,Citaklar,Elif,Dag,Leman,Sevda,Daricioglu,Fatih,Dokgöz,Aslihan,Erguvan,Mümin,Kaar,Gorkem,Kasal,Sevinc,Kaya,塞尔哈特·穆斯塔法·柯力奇,Kerem,Kurt
    • 6.0 已完结 蛇眼 尼古拉斯·凯奇,加里·西尼斯,约翰·赫德,卡拉·古奇诺,凯文·杜恩

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