

    • 主演:凯尔·麦克库洛奇  格西亚·多布罗夫斯卡  Sarah  Neville  Brent  Neale  保罗·考克斯  Katya  Gardner  
    • 导演:盖伊·马丁  
    • 分类:
    • 剧情喜剧爱情
    • 地区:加拿大 
    • 年份:1992 
    • 更新:2024-05-27 07:06:17
    • 简介:

      In the Alpine village of Tolzbad in the 1800s, the townsfolk talk quietly and restrain their movements lest they incur avalanches. This atmosphere lends itself to repressed emotions - shown through the parallel stories of butler student Johann lusting after his mother (an old flame of the mysterious Count Knotkers) and Klara's attraction to her father (who lusts after his other daughter), leading to duels and suicidal plunges galore. All this is shot in the style of an early German sonal film, complete with intertitles, crackly sound-track and 'hand-tinted' colour effects.- Written by Michael Brooke


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    In the Alpine village of Tolzbad in the 1800s, the townsfolk talk quietly and restrain their movements lest they incur avalanches. This atmosphere lends itself to repressed emotions - shown through the parallel stories of butler student Johann lusting after his mother (an old flame of the mysterious Count Knotkers) and Klara's attraction to her father (who lusts after his other daughter), leading to duels and suicidal plunges galore. All this is shot in the style of an early German sonal film, complete with intertitles, crackly sound-track and 'hand-tinted' colour effects.- Written by Michael Brooke






    • 6.0 已完结 伏藏师 陈信喆,朱庭辰,程思寒,陈诺
    • 8.0 已完结 飞毛腿 哈罗德·劳埃德,Ann,Christy,伯特·伍德拉夫,贝比·鲁斯,Byron,Douglas,布鲁克斯·贝内迪克特,King,Tut,the,Dog,厄尼·亚当斯,James,Bradbury,Jr.,Edna,Mae,Cooper,约瑟芬·克罗韦尔,James,Dime,Bobby,Dunn,赫伯特·埃文斯,Lou,Gehrig,Dick,Gilbert,Tommy,Hicks,Walter,Hiers,Jack,Hill,Wallace,Howe,Gus,Leonard,Marvin,Loback,
    • 10.0 已完结 医者自医 克劳迪奥·比西奥,马可·贾利尼,安娜·福列塔,马西米里亚诺·布鲁诺,葆拉·米纳乔尼
    • 10.0 已完结 妃子笑 萧正楠,黄婉伶,黄婉君,陈逸宁,戴梦梦,朱咪咪,李兆基,江欣燕,梅小惠,谢雪心,杨羚,李思捷,王嘉明
    • 10.0 已完结 搞错人 大卫·弗利,詹妮弗·提莉,大卫·安东尼·希金斯
    • 4.0 已完结 英歌魂 田一德,陈妍臻

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